Reusable Shopping Bags

Alternative ways to recycle
Donate or Sell if Usable Do Not Put In Recycling

Sell or Donate Usable Bags

If your bag is still in usable condition, consider selling, donating, or gifting it. To find local donation locations, check out the NYS Reuse Locator Map.

Repair Small Tears

If your bag is made of fabric, try repairing it!


Compost Canvas, Jute & Hemp

Worn down canvas, cotton, jute or hemp bags can be cut into strips and added to your compost since they’re made from biodegradable plant fibers.

Alternative Ways to Recycle


ChicoBag Repurposing Program

Send back old, reusable shopping bags (any material, any brand) to ChicoBag’s Zero Waste Program. Mail them to:

ChicoBag Company
C/O Zero Waste Program
747 Fortress Street
Chico, CA 95973

Did You Know?

Coastal Land Litter

Conventional plastic bags are among the top 10 items found most frequently during coastal cleanups. Plastic bags can take up to 1,000 years to break down, though because they are plastic, they will never degrade completely.